The Sanmon, the main gate, is the oldest of all the Zen temples existing in Japan.

In HOJO, which has four gardens; the garden of the south, the north, the east, and the west, you can see a rock and sand garden, the one with a good conbination of moss and sand, the one with a checkered pattern of moss and stones.

What I recommend is the view from TSUTEN bridge. I like the one in late April and early May. Fresh green of many Japanese maple leaves covering over the valley will impress you deeply. Of course, in Autumn, it is so beautiful with colored leaves. However, it has become so famous that countless people flock to this temple to see this beautiful scene, resulting in the temple with a rush of people.

Tofukuji temple
admission adult 400 yen
the nearest station : JR Tofukuji or Tofukuji ( Keihan line )
Tofukuji ( city bus)
10min.walk from each station.
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